Believe it or not, we love the month of November … and no, we have not left the country!
The rain brings good news, windows around town are filled with warm, cozy light, the days are short but intense, and the nights are inspiring, especially when we can see so many stars beyond the clouds.
We are inspired by Laura Myulu’s beautiful song, “Sing to the moon and the stars will shine ….” and we want to do the same – Reach for the stars, aim for the moon!
Perhaps Geneva is our lucky star
Opened since November 2nd, we are excited and grateful to welcome you to our newest salon in Geneva, in addition to Lausanne.
Tribus Urbaines Geneva comes alive every week, Wednesday through Saturday, 10am to 6.30pm.
FYI, there are still VIP cards available to get 10% off products and services for life! A perfect gift for yourself or someone you care about.
Do you have stars to buy? Try Tribus Urbaines’ concept store
Are you are looking for a gift, a unique fashion accessory, or perhaps a new and delicious sauce with a singular, exquisite taste? Come find it at Tribus Urbaines, rue de la Madeleine 10, Lausanne.
Starting November 28, you will find a selection of exclusive items.
The selection of items for sale will change regularly and is provided to us by “TheAfrospot“. Long live this new collaboration!
A star is born: Melissa Mvulu
Here are the results and the story of Melissa Mvula, the winner of our makeover contest organised in collaboration with the professionnals of Globus Lausanne and Bobbi Brown.
Each one of us is a star
Recently, Carine and Sylvie had new opportunities to shine and inspire as part of several regional campaigns / programs, including: Queen elevate, Five years of women SMEs, and podcast Epidermis on RTS. Here is a link to hear about and / or read their latest news.