It will be OK.

And how are you?

At Tribus Urbaines, we are fine. In this extraordinary time, we are forced to be ultra-creative in every facet of our lives. At the same time, we need to refocus our routines, reflect on our lives, and take care of ourselves and our children. We are reading, making videos, writing – to you of course but also to ourselves, and often about Tribus Urbaines. Maybe one day, we’ll publish what we are writing. Who knows.

If you too are in the same state of mind as we are, here (bellow) is a list of books that we have read and enjoyed. If you read them too, perhaps we can discuss them over a hot drink the next time you visit us at Tribus Urbaines.

We’d also like to share a link to our blog post, guiding you through a good hair routine. Now is the time to develop good hair care habits so that they become well established routines that you will stick with over the long term.


Remote consultation with FaceTime or Zoom with Maria

If you have questions or need coaching from a hairdresser, you can enjoy a remote consultation with Maria, a hairdresser from Tribus Urbaines. This consultation service costs 40 francs and can be purchased via our online store. We will contact you by email to schedule your 30-45 minute video call.



The Tribus Urbaines online store is updated: give yourself a treat!

Here is the link to our updated online store where you will find wonderful products and accessories to pamper your hair. You will also find articles to pamper your mind, your body and to just make you feel good on general!



Tribus Urbaines reading list:

These books are available French  through the Tribus Urbaines online store.

Since we love romances and adventures, especially masterpieces written by women, we recommend:

  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adiechie, Americanah
  • Melba Escobar, The beauty salon

Since we like books that talk about hair, we recommend:

  • Aurélie Louchart, Trop crépue
  • Rakhaya Diallo, Afro

Since we love the stories of women entrepreneurs and those whose journeys inspire us, we recommend:

  • Jessica Mbangila, Do what you love
  • Myriam Koné, The multicolored pieces of destiny

Since we like children’s books, we recommend:

  • Juliette Sméralda, The Isis doll
  • Laura Nsafou, Like a million black butterflies and The Way of Jada
  • Licia Chery, Tichéri has frizzy hair

Since we love feminist books, we recommend:

  • Djamila Ribeiro, Chronicle on black feminism
  • Mona Chollet, Fatal Beauty: the new faces of a female alienation
  • Victoire Tuaillon, Les Couilles sur la table

Happy reading!


The bonus

A video of Maria, Tribus Urbaine hairdresser, presenting some of her favorite products and how to use them.


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