Embrace your “hair heritage” !
“Real beauty emerges when you decide to be your true self.” Coco Channel
“Today I embrace my roots with every fiber of my being. Though I grew up believing that light skin and straight hair were the ultimate beauty standard, I know now that my dark skin and kinky hair are beautiful too.” Lupita Nyong’o
“Start by loving yourself and the rest will follow. To accomplish anything in this life, you have to truly love yourself.” Lucille Ball
After translating our last Newsletter, our friend (and translator 🙂 Jennifer asked us to define the notion of “style” and how it we can wear it like armor. So here we go…
A good “Style” is one that makes the best of who we naturally are, highlighting without distorting, our best attributes. For us at Tribus Urbaines, this relates specifically to hair – our natural hair of course. It’s something we call our “hair heritage.” Blend this together with other physical attributes and spiritual heritage, and you’re on your way to finding your true personal “style.”
Have you noticed how your confidence grows when you make the most of your natural hair with a great hairstyle, and accompany it with clothes and make-up that are just right for you? When you look great, don’t you feel proud of being you? Have you also noticed that looking great provides you with a kind of mental armor – protecting you a bit from criticism, giving you a little distance to stay strong in difficult moments? It’s a hell of a weapon to have – knowing and feeling that you belong just where you are, just as you really are.
At Tribus Urbaines, we’re here to help you develop your style – at least the part that relates to your hair. We also have a few clothes that might be right for you. Come to the salon to discover all our fashion accessories.
The main thing however, is to be uniquely you and to take your place …
… so don’t hesitate – find your style and TAKE YOUR PLACE!
And speaking unique style, are you aware that for our clients that wear head-scarves, we can provide hair-care services in a small private room in our Geneva salon? Unfortunately, we don’t have this same type of private space at our Lausanne location, but we’d love to establish a schedule when the Lausanne salon is reserved exclusively for women (hairdressers and clients). What would be the best weekday schedule? For example: Tuesdays from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.?
Please, write us (info@tribusurbaines.com) to tell what’s the best time for you.
And to further encourage all of you to come into the salon, we’ve joined forces again with Genève Avenue and UNIRESO (Geneva public transport) to offer you a CHF 100 voucher at Tribus Urbaines for the price of CHF 80. But LISTEN UP! This flash sale is only valid from 29.09 to 09.10. so you only have 10 days to take advantage of this offer. Vouchers are valid until January 31, 2022 in Geneva or Lausanne, and only when accompanied by a Geneva public transportation ticket.