See you soon!

Tribus Urbaines salons are closed until the end of April. The online shop remains open!

Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance!
Oprah Winfrey

What a rascal this COVID-19 is!

All this fuss to make us slow down; adopt a more ecological attitude; and become more aware of our privileges and the responsibilities that go with them.

All of this to make it clear how much we need each other and how much we are dependent on each other, regardless of our class, sexual orientation, race or country of origin.

All this to demonstrate to us the importance of solidarity.

All this to remind us that we are fallible, that we are mortal, that death is the only certainty in life. All this to remind us that the real question is “How should I live?” and not “How will I die?” or “How can I live forever?”


What a trickster this COVID-19!

We were sad, then angry
 and then we looked for meaning in order to find the energy and the courage to carry our precious child, Tribus Urbaines, through this difficult period. Now we are finding our way forward!


Are you with us?

First and foremost, we’ll make use of digital tools so that you can enjoy the benefits of Tribus Urbaines from a distance.

Here is our online shop, where you will find most of the products that are for sale in our Tribus Urbaines salons. If something is missing, just send us an email with your order and we will gladly arrange for delivery. The shop will be updated and enhanced week to week. We will be adding, for example, all the products sold in the Lausanne concept store. So don’t forget to visit our site regularly to see what’s new.

In the next newsletter and on social media (Facebook and Instagram), we will revisit our tips for taking care of your hair at home. These days, you should have more time on your hands so now is the perfect time to adopt or intensify a good hair routine.

Additionaly, we will try to offer hair consultations by video call. Above all, we stay close to you.


The eventual reopening our Tribus Urbaines salons will be announced via our newsletter, which is also how we will give you regular updates on our other activities. So keep reading and writing to us! We love to hear from you!

Digital kisses!

Carine & Sylvie


PS: our VIP card (10% reduction for life!) is always available. Buying it is a great way to support us. Thank you!


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