She’s the winner! And so are we.

In the summer contest 2018, you might have won a relooking day in autumn.

Naomi: before

Naomi reveals the beauty inside herself in the company of Tribus Urbaines, Mac Cosmetics and the “personal shopper” from Globus Lausanne. Wearing a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, sneakers and a bun. A young lady turns into a magnified version of herself. Thanks to these kinds of experiences, we touch the core of our activity – to enhance the inherent beauty of each individual. We want to show you how to see yourself in a positive light, take care of yourself and enrich the dialogue between your internal and external beauty. Let the example of Naomi inspire us to wear our femininity like a pair of comfortable jeans. It’s a value that beautifies everything.

This summer, we launched a contest called “Let’s talk about your curls”.

15 curly, frizzy, kinky and Afro-textured haired women took part in the event held by Tribus Urbaine, MAC Cosmetics and Globus Lausanne.

We would like to thank you all for having shared your stories and your profound humanity. The jury members were impressed by your personal accounts, courage and commitment. Picking a winner was a difficult task! All the participants were offered a 20% discount voucher for Tribus Urbaines services valid until 30 November 2018. We’re still waiting for the rest of you with open arms.

Do not hesitate to visit us!


Naomi had huge potential, which made a big difference. “This lady is so beautiful but she is not aware of it” – these were the words pronounced by the three jury members.

24-year-old Naomi is a Métisse girl with round shapes and hair in a mess. She wanted to learn how to manage her curls and spice up her everyday hairstyle routine because she was getting bored with a classic ponytail and bun. Moreover, as a client service specialist, she wanted to boost her self-esteem.


Following a discussion with the Globus “personal shopper”, we found out that Naomi wanted to become more feminine. Once the “key” word identified, we started to search for relevant clothes, hairstyles and make-up solutions to align femininity with the body and personality of our winner. Six hours of whispered conversations, care treatments and laughs to attain the outstanding result. Apart from this unforgettable experience and practical tips, Naomi left us with a bunch of gifts. She was offered a beautiful black dress by “Gerard Darel” from Globus Lausanne, 5 make-up products by Mac Cosmetics and the Peppermint product set consisting of a shampoo, a conditioner and a nourishing cream by Tribus Urbaines.

Naomi: after

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