Curls: the less you manipulate them, the better. You should, however, detangle your curls regularly (once a week) with a brush or a special comb to avoid knots and to remove the hair that you lose naturally during the week, but which is still on your head, which is why you will see less of it on the ground! Therefore, an in-depth detangling once a week is a must. How should you do that?
What you need: water, conditioner, your fingers, and a detangling brush and/or comb with large teeth (if your hair is long or very frizzy).
An absolute MUST-HAVE detangling brush is available for sale at Tribus Urbaines: the Denman Brush for CHF 25.
An indispensable tool for your curls!
Directions for your curly hair
Always, always detangle you hair when it’s! Only on rare occasions do we make an exception to this rule by pre-detangling dry hair (before the shampooing phase), for example, when you wear protective hair covers for several weeks.
Our tip: Once a week after applying a conditioner, detangle your hair with fingers. Divide your strands into four sections for separate brushing. If necessary, add a bit of water. When you finish, rinse your curls thoroughly with more water and apply a small quantity of nourishing cream and/or a few drops of oil as a finishing touch. Air-dry your hair.
Are you happy with the result? Does it hurt? Of course not!
> Discover how to optimise your hair care routine?