You have wonderful hair and your curls deserve majestic shaping.
You’re the queens of the city! But did you notice?
For the last two weeks, the Tribus Urbaines team has been travelling the length and breadth of Swiss-Romand to remind women that their unique, natural, voluminous curls are beautiful and taking the opportunity to let you know that we’re here to take care of your hair.
So do not be surprised if someone (probably in a customised T-shirt) approaches you with a smile and the comment: “Your curls are beautiful!” or “I have a crush on your hair”. It’s us, Tribus Urbaines, and we are all one big family! So simply smile and accept the compliment.
A special thanks to Eric, Pamela, Esther, Joséphine, Julian, Huguette, Laurent and others for taking the time to compliment the world’s most attractive women. Yes, ladies!
And if you wish to join the band of flatterers and shout out “You have gorgeous hair!” to other girls, you we still have more flyers and T-shirts!