I try and try again. Each time the experience is the same.
“My hair (lol)! The hairdressers roll their eyes and take a deep breath when I step into the salon. A few daredevils give it a whirl, cutting my hair wet or brushed. Shampooing comes first, followed by a poodle-like haircut, guaranteed.
“And the hairdressers themselves? Even worse (lol)! I enter the salon filled with hope, holding a photo of a woman wearing her curls with panache and pride. But when I leave the salon, my hair inevitably has a sort of “out of this world” look – brushed, straightened or randomly cut, but it never looks anything like the photo. All this because the hairdresser does simply what he knows how to do, at the expense of what I WISH to have done or what actually suits me!
We should put a stop to this! We are beautiful, ordinary women with curly, frizzy and kinky-hair, seeking professional, highly specialised haircare services and stylists that know how to give us the look we are seeking! . That’s right, Ladies, let’s make things clear! It’s high time to revolutionise the HAIR industry landscape.
You’re already pushing the boundaries to the limit with your curls, unique and full of surprises. But let’s imagine that you encountered real, curly-hair trained professionals. You would save a lot of time and avoid a load of disappointments. It would be splendid!
So watch-out Suisse-Romande, you are the first stop!
We are Tribus Urbaines, a hair salon created not only to “shape” hairdressers’ knowledge of curly hair, but also to shape you, literally!
Our three-woman team, Carine, Mahine and Sylvie, look forward to telling you how we’re going to manage all this WITH you and FOR you. We can’t wait! Sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Facebook and Instagram to discover the rest of our story.