Rant part 2 (still just for laughs :-)

In the context of textured hair, the following question often pops up: are there any quality hair products that are both client-friendly and environmentally safe? We discussed this topic with a group of women wearing their curls with panache and pride. Their stories are similar to those about the hairdressers (see the previous article for reference :-)).

“It’s easy. I prepare my own home-made products according to online recipes based, for instance, on shea butter, argan oil or coco oil. It’s impossible to find the right products at Coop, Manor or even Globus. Sometimes, I try products from Afro hair shops. In most cases, available products for curly hair contain parabens, silicon and other substances that damage both my hair and my health”.

“I found a wonderful product line for my hair. Unfortunately, the complete set is available only in the USA and in a few online shops in France. As for shipping costs, customs fees and delivery delays, 
just forget about it”.

We should put a stop to this! We are beautiful, ordinary women with curly, frizzy and kinky-hair, seeking quality products that boost our look. Let’s revolutionise the scope of care products for curly, frizzy and kinky hair. That’s right, Ladies!

Luckily, the wait is over. We’re opening Tribus Urbaines. Apart from showing hairdressers how to style curly, frizzy and kinky hair, and teaching clients how to take care of their own hair at home, our salon has developed its own product line for curls of any kind: small, big, thick, thin, flat and abundant.

We’re actively searching for more product formulas.. Once their ready, come try them out before our official launch day. If you’re interested, send us an e-mail entitled “TEST” at info@tribusurbaines.com.

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